Writing & Editing

Writing & Editing

Content Marketing Samples

Long-Term Care Insurance: Flexibility and Peace of Mind,” Truist Wealth Perspectives, 2023

Transforming Macroeconomic Uncertainty Into Opportunity,” Truist Purple Paper, 2023

Is This Easy to Read?” Pace Insights, 2022

A New World of Talent: A Leader’s Guide to the Psychology of Today’s American Worker,” Truist Leadership Institute, 2022

Global Growth through Better Teamwork,” Truist Leadership Institute, 2021

A Change of Perspective,” interview with Duriya Farooqui, Truist Leadership Institute, 2020

Charitable Giving and Rising Interest Rates: What to Know as You Plan,” Wells Fargo Private Bank, updated for the Conversations app, 2023

The Economics of Private School Education,” Wells Fargo Advisors Lifescapes, 2018

Feature Writing Samples

photo by Andrew Kist

photo by Andrew Kist

What a thrill to interview Cokie Roberts in 2007! I admire her greatly as a journalist, and my mom admires her mom, the late Representative Lindy Boggs, in particular for her work on the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 to give women the freedom to borrow money without a male cosigner.

photography by Stacey Van Berkel

photography by Stacey Van Berkel

Our State is one of several magazines where my freelance pieces appeared from 1998 onward. “Two Easels, One Vocation,” about the founders of the Originals Only gallery in West Jefferson, North Carolina, has a particular warm spot in my heart because the February 2010 weekend I went to do the interview, my (now) husband completely surprised me and proposed.

illustration by Larry Williams

illustration by Larry Williams

“Fifty Nifty United States,” a small mighty column, won a 2009 Silver Eddie award in the annual Folio: competition. Published in the July/August 2008 issue of AAA Traveler, the column also sparked reader response and submissions to our "as told to" column.